Thank you for your interest in Oahu Music Studios
It is in the best interest that I hope all my students succeed. With that in mind, please trust that these policies are in place to insure a consistent, structured learning environment in which students are equipped for success at every turn.
There is a wonderful joy found in a musician’s study with a capable teacher/mentor and the same is true for teachers working with engaged, capable students. I will do everything in my disposal to be the best teacher I know how for students at all levels. I expect, in return, that students also meet their respective standards of excellence, regardless of their abilities.
Lessons are scheduled for once a week in half-hour or hour-long increments. Every other week is also available.
Holding Time Slots
If you choose to miss a month or more of lessons, you will automatically loose your time slot and will be placed on a waiting list for the next available spot upon your return. If you would like your spot to be saved, your time slot "hold" fee will be 50.00 (1/2 hour students) and 100.00 (1 hour students) per month of absence.
Payment Schedule
Lessons are $45 for a half hour lesson and $85 for a full hour lesson. Payments for the full month are made at the beginning of each month, due by the 6th of the given month. There will be a $15.00 late fee added on to all late payments. Also, the right to terminate the student/teacher relationship if payment is neglected for more than two months in a row is reserved. Bounced/returned checks can be cause for termination, though every effort will be made to make any concessions beforehand. Thank you to the parents who have paid on time. I really appreciate it.
Cancellation Policy
If a student needs to cancel a lesson, it is expected that this occurs in person, or by a phone call, text, e-mail or online. Notification needs to occur at least 48 hours prior to his or her scheduled lesson so that the week’s lesson time can be made available for another appointment. Families, then, will not be expected to pay for the cancelled lesson.
Families will be charged, however, for lessons cancelled within twenty four (24) hours of a lesson or if there is no notification at all. Of course, illness and family emergencies will always be waived of short-notice cancellation charges, but please understand that a lack of communication, time management problems or travel issues on the part of students and their families do not constitute a family emergency.
Additionally, it is encouraged that students make these types of phone calls or e-mails themselves. It is too easy to let their parents make the difficult calls and these types of communication can be a good way of learning healthy, professional, adult communication skills.
If a student cancels three (3) or more lessons in a given month, the right to terminate a relationship is reserved, opening his/her lesson time to another student, long term.
Again, well-communicated scheduling conflicts are not a problem. Students are encouraged to explore a wide array of interests and this is sure to happen from time to time if students are engaged in a number of activities. It is simply a professional courtesy to be proactive when communicating about any schedule conflicts and, in the event I am not able available for lessons, the same courtesies will always be extended. Either make up lessons or a substitute teacher will be provided.
Suggested Equipment Purchases
Students are expected to purchase their own books and tracks as their development demands. Over the course of a musicians career this cost can become fairly substantial. Always feel free to speak to me about cheap alternatives, or you may be able to borrow it from my library.
Students ten (10) minutes late for a lesson are considered tardy, at which point I reserve the right to cancel the given lesson and still charge lesson rates for the time scheduled. It should be noted, though, that even late lessons can be productive lessons, so do call ahead if you are going to be late and the lesson will still most likely be made available.
A consistent lack of materials for lessons (piano books, Vocal assignment books) or a consistent lack of preparation can lead to a probationary period in which a student’s place in the studio is reevaluated. After a given amount of time (normally two weeks), if improved behavior is not apparent, the right to terminate the teacher/student relationship is reserved. All outstanding payments will then be due in full.
Summer Lesson Schedule
On account of the many different schedules families maintain during summers, ( Oahu Music Studio adopts a different lesson schedule during June, July, and August. The studio is open for specific times on specific days (calendar will be distributed before summer starts) and families are invited to change lesson time or keep their current schedule. August will resume students normal schedule.